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The energy present here is stored as chemical energy in the bonds between the atoms of these substances.

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Q: What is a Form of potential energy in food and dynamite?
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What is energy stored in food called?

"Stored" is another form of potential energy. You can burn the food to release the potential energy. It is potential, because the food is not a source of kinetic energy until it is in a food fight.

What form of energy does food represent?

Chemical Potential Energy

What is the form of energy stored in food called?

Potential energy

Molecules of food have a special form of potential energy called?

Chemical Energy

What is chemical potential energy?

It is another form of potential stored in food, batteries, and fuel.

What is a form of potential or stored energy found especially in food or fuel?


Is food energy a kind of potential energy?

Yes. Basically, the energy in food is chemical energy, which is a type of potential energy.

What is the energy located in the bonds of food molecules?

The location of energy release from food molecules is in the mitochondria of the cell. The process in which energy is released from food molecules is known as cellular respiration.

What happens to most of the energy from the breakdown of food?

All energy eventually turns to heat. No exceptions.

Is the food you eat potential or kinetic energy?

The food energy that can be utilized by the eater of the food is chemical potential energy. In a food fight, when the food is propelled through the air, it temporarily acquires some kinetic energy as well, which has nothing to do with its identity as food, and can't be utilized by eating the food, since it must come to rest before the eating commences. ________ All matter is made up of a combination of kinetic and potential energy. The kinetic energy that comprises your food is all the energy of motion of its molecules. The hotter your food, the faster its molecules are moving and the more kinetic energy they posess. Also, as mentioned above, if you throw your food, it will posess bulk kinetic energy. However, the majority of the energy contained within food is potential energy stored within what you could think of as unhappy chemical bonds. When you eat food, your body invests a little energy to break apart these unhappy bonds and makes new, happier bonds between the food molecules and the oxygen you breathe. When these happy bonds form, a large ammount of energy is released. Your body uses this energy for running around and having food fights.

Is a chemical bond in food potential energy?

Yes. It potential chemical energy.

What is potential energy important?

Potential energy that is important in practice includes: * Gravitational potential energy * Elastic energy * Chemical energy (including food energy) * Nuclear energy