

What is a animal that eat the remains of dead animals?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is a animal that eat the remains of dead animals?
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How do you mean by scavengers?

Scavengers are animals that eat from the remains of dead animals.

What is an animal that eats plants and plant eating animals?

Scavengers eat the corpes of animals that their species did not kill helping decompose the dead animal remains. Decomposers decompose the remains left from the scavengers.

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Who eats the dead remains of plants and aimals are?

Decomposers and scavengers eat the dead remains of plants and animals. Crows and vultures are examples of scavengers that eat dead meat.

What are organisms that feed on plant and animal remains and other dead matter?

Shrimp, Humans and Carnage birds. humans eat dead cow and dead chickens .. hahah

What is the animal that finds dead animals to eat?

A scavenger.carnevoresscavenger

What are animals called if they eat dead plants?

decomposers like bacteria they also break up animal waste and dead remains of animals it makes nutrionts into the soil so that the plants can grow in rich soil

Do lions attack dead animals?

No, there is no reason to attack a dead animal. They will eat a dead animal though.

What are animals that eat dead plants or animals?

Vultures eat dead animals and that's the only animal i know.

What eats scavanger?

Scavengers eat dead animals and the remains of animals that have already been eaten.

An animal that looks for dead animals to eat is?

Any animal that is a ''scavenger'' Animals like vultures

Animal that find already dead animals to eat?

A scavenger is an animal that finds carcasses to eat.