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Ballistic stretches involve the lengthening of muscles during movement. They are used for warming up for training and competing in sports. These exercises are also known as dynamic stretches.

The opposite of the ballistic stretch is the passive or static stretch where the stretch position is held in pace for approximately 30 seconds.

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Q: What is an example ballistic stretching exercise?
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Ballistic stretching is considered unsafe. Ballistic stretching is stretching with fast jerky movements, snapping the muscle to its limits very quickly instead of slowly and gently stretching it.

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What are four well-known stretching techniques?

Static, Passive, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), and Ballistic

Apply the FITT principle to stretching When is the best time to stretch during an exercise routine and what type of stretching is best?

Dynamic stretching prior to exercise helps prepare the body for exercise and prevent injuries. After exercise sessions static stretching should be performed, holding each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds or more to re-estabilsh the length of of the muscle