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cellurlan it might be spelt wrong

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Q: What is a blue colour that reminds you of jeans?
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What colour matches with green light jeans?

dark blue, maybe or light blue too

What colour vans with light blue jeans?

I would say navy blue or black maybe.

Is blue a calming colour?

yes, it is considered a calming color because it reminds everyone of the ocean.

Why are blue jeans called blue jeans when they are not blue?

most BLUE jeans are BLUE. if you get jeans that aren't blue then they are just jeans.

Is blue cool?

Blue is a cool colour because it is the colour of the sky, bluejays, jeans, and my teacher's eyes. It also goes with other colours such as brown, pink, and red. :-D

Is jeans coming from oranges?

they're made out of oranges the colour changes by it self and changes it into blue

What colour jeans best go with tan boots dark brown I bought a pair dark tan boots to go with navy blue jeans The boots have a buckle with gold trim?

black jeans.

What colour would blue jeans look under green light?

it would look brown because of the grrs

What does the color blue mean in japan?

It is the colour of death and very unlucky. This is why there are no blue clothes in Japan. If you visit, you will be surprised when you realise that noone wears jeans!

Is it Forever in Blue Jeans or Reverend Blue Jeans by Neil Diamond?

forever in blue jeans.

Is blue a good paint color?

Why Blue Is a Good Paint's very reminds you of the sunny day's the best colour ever!