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The 'Scenespiration' website has a blog that has lots of funny monologues for girls and boys.

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Q: What is a comedic monologue for a teenager that is one minute long?
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How long is a short monologue?

About a minute or two.

Was is a long speech by one character?

a monologue

What is a four minute female monologue?

A four minute monologue is a "speach" from a selected play by one character which lasts 4 minutes. many exams require monologues to last 4+minutes and this can be tricky to find in a play as not all characters have long speaches. Often we merge many lines from an act together - as long as they make sence, this can be acceptable

What is the form of a monologue?

A monologue is a speech, usually a long speech, by one person.

What is the monologue?

Long Speech

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A skit is a very short (about two minutes long as a matter of fact), usually comedic, play. You'd see them on shows like Saturday Night Live or in a comedy or improv club

How long does a monologue have to be?

A monologue should consist of 1-3 minutes depending on what the audition you are going on requires. You may get free monologues @

What is Julius Caesar monologue?

A monologue is a speech made by one person, either in the presence or absence of others. Julius Caesar is a play by William Shakespeare. "Julius Caesar Monologue" is a long speech made by someone in that play. Mark Antony has a long monologue in the play and so does Brutus. Various characters have shorter speeches long enough to consider as monologues: Cassius, Casca, Brutus and Antony again, and even Caesar.

What is it called when a single actor talks for a long time when its not a soliloquy?

Monologue .

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How long can a teenager focus for?

It depends on the teenager it is not an exact science