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A comma splice is the attempt to join two independent clauses with a comma without a coordinating conjunction. For example, "She walked the dog last night, today she fed it."

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What is a comma splice?

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What is the difference between a run on and a comma splice?

The difference between a run on and a comma splice is that a run on just keeps going and a comma splice is when you use a comma incorrectly

How would you see if a sentence had a comma splice?

If a sentence consists of two independent clauses with a comma between them, it is a comma splice. That is, the part before the comma can stand on its own as a sentence, and the part after the comma can also stand on its own as a sentence, then it is a comma splice. If there is no punctuation there instead of a comma, it is known as a run-on sentence.

What is the difference between a sentence and a run on?

A comma splice is when a two complete sentences are separated by a comma, without a conjunction. This makes it gramatically incorrect. A run-on sentence continues on and on with no clear predicate.

In a grammatical sense when is a comma splice used?

A comma splice is such a comma, when it collects two independent clauses are connected by only a comma. The following example illustrates a comma splice: the job is hard, get some rest.

What is the difference between a comma splice and a run-on sentence?

A comma splice is when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined with just a comma. A run-on sentence occurs when multiple independent clauses are joined together without proper punctuation or conjunctions. Both mistakes can lead to confusion and should be avoided in writing.

What is splice?

A sentence splice (alternately, comma splice) is when 2 independent clauses are joined by a comma. This is not grammatically correct. To fix a sentence splice, you can either change the comma to a semicolon, or you can add a coordinating conjunction after the comma (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

What is sentence splice?

A sentence splice (alternately, comma splice) is when 2 independent clauses are joined by a comma. This is not grammatically correct. To fix a sentence splice, you can either change the comma to a semicolon, or you can add a coordinating conjunction after the comma (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

What is the difference between a comma splice and a fused sentence?

A comma splice and a fused sentence are essentially the same thing: they are both incorrectly punctuating two independent clauses if not two sentences. An example of a comma splice would be: I need to do my homework, the assignment is due tomorrow. The reason this is a comma splice is because the comma is too "weak" to hold the two independent clauses together. You can correct the sentence in the following ways: I need to do my homework; the assignment is due tomorrow. I need to do my homework, and the assignment is due tomorrow. I need to do my homework. The assignment is do tomorrow. I need to do my homework because the assignment is due tomorrow. Fixing comma splices really depends on what it is that you are trying to say, but the constant factor is that there is a comma being used to separate two independent clauses, and a comma can never do that. The difference between a comma splice and a fused sentence is that while a comma splice uses a comma incorrectly to separate two independent clauses, fused sentences don't use any punctuation, and so the sentence literally becomes "fused". Take the previous example: I need to do my homework the assignment is due tomorrow. If you are still having trouble understanding comma splices and fused sentences, try looking up and studying the following terms: -Dependent Clause -Independent Clause -Coordinating Conjunction -Subordinating Conjunction -How to use a semi-colon -When to use a comma

How can a compound sentence become a comma splice?

When two independent clauses (Compound Sentence) cannot be joined only with a comma. When two independent clauses are joined only with a comma, the error is called a comma splice.

What sentence contains a comma splice?

He won, he had the best score. This is an incorrect or comma splice sentence -- two distinct ideas joined incorrectly by a comma. Either rewrite as two sentences, or change the comma to a semicolon.

Is this sentence a comma splice run-on or a fragment sentence- The girl in front of you who appeared to be 19 was attempting to buy beer?

Comma Splice Run-on sentence.

Can you list the three kinds of run-on sentences?

1. No punctuation between 2 clauses. 2. Comma splice 3. No comma before a coordinating conjunction