

Best Answer

if it's white , it's alright

If it's yellow, tell the fellow. Yellow can be clamydia and you will need to see a doctor.

If it's brown, it's old menstrual blood. try a douche

good luck Joymaker RN

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Q: What is a dark Cream colored vaginal discharge from?
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What does dark brown almost black discharge mean?

Dark brown vaginal discharge could indicate a viral lesion, a infertility risk factor, to include HPV plantar wart viruses. Significant changes in color and odor of vaginal fluids may indicate infections or fetal developmental problems if a woman is pregnant. Slight spotting is possible during the early pregnancy and is considered quite normal. Dark brown vaginal discharge could indicate a viral lesion, a infertility risk factor, to include HPV plantar wart viruses. I don't know if this helped you or not. I suggest going to your doctor and ask him or her about it. Don't be shy about it either because you aren't the only one that has had this problem before. Trust me. If you don't ask your doctor about it, whatever you have that is causing this colored discharge could get seriously worse. Get some help immediately.

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Go and see a doctor for professional medical advice. This could be a number of things.

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it means u haved a vaginal infection. have it checked out by ur doctor

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Answer this question… B.The dark-colored moths were more fit.

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It's just how they are. One of their parents could be light or dark or both of them could. If one is light colored and one is dark colored the offspring has a 50/50 chance of being light or dark.