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>as blind as a bat

>as hard as nails

>as wise as an owl?

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Q: What is a descriptive phrase mean?
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What are descriptive phrases?

A descriptive phrase is added information to the subject, object,... E.g.: The girl (= subject) + who thought she was beautiful (= descriptive phrase) + verb

Is Long Beach a set phrase or descriptive phrase?


What does the cowboy slang 'skunk eggs' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This was a descriptive phrase for onions. They're round like eggs and they stink.

What does the cowboy slang 'sparrow catching' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a descriptive phrase referring to wooing. Sparrow catching was looking for a girl to go out with you.

What does the cowboy slang 'squeeze the biscuit' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This was a descriptive phrase to refer to grabbing the saddle horn. No cowboy wanted to have to squeeze the biscuit.

What does the cowboy slang 'sky a copper' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a descriptive phrase for tossing a penny. Cowboys didn't usually have a quarter to toss "heads or tails."

What is a Descriptive Phrase?

Phrases that describe. Example (not descriptive): a girl Example (descriptive): a girl with her hair tied up in a precise bun

Descriptive Phrase in 35 characters max?


What does the cowboy slang 'steel' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a descriptive term for spurs. Spurs were usually made of steel.

What does the cowboy slang 'table muscle' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a descriptive phrase meaning a pot belly. The image is of someone who has "exercised" their belly by sitting at the table eating.

What is the difference between an idiom and a descriptive phrase?

An idiom cannot be deciphered by context, and an ordinary phrase can.

What does the cowboy slang 'steamer' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a descriptive term for a tobacco pipe. The cowboy is comparing the smoke to steam.