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The Dr is probably checking what is called your fundal height. Fundal height is determined by the size of the uterus to determine fetal growth and development. The Dr could also be checking the position of the baby if you are getting close to delivery.

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12y ago

The doctor doesn't examine your stomach for pregnancy, he examines your cervix and uterus. Your medical care provider (Doctor, NurseMidWife, PA) is feeling for normal changes in and the position of the cervix. She/he may check for the size of the uterus (depending how far along you are) and the size of your pelvis.

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13y ago

The doctor knows you're pregnant by taking a blood test, long before he/she palps your stomach. That doesn't tell whether you're pregnant, only that there is swelling there.

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Can a gp tell if your pregnant after stomach examanation?

I assume you mean when the GP palpates your abdomen. If there is a pregnant uterus,the doctor is likely to notice. But if you are very newly pregnant and the doctor is not examining your uterus, he might miss it. It takes a few months for a pregnant uterus to move up above the pubic bone.

How can I tell if I'm pregnant. What does it feel like?

Well Hun, You probably wouldn't tell if you were, until after a few Weeks/Month's then your stomach will start to curve. But sometimes, you can't really tell if your pregnant. So, I suggest you talk to a doctor and see. Hope this helped you out!

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Yes, you can be pregnant if your stomach hurt's and you can not eat. Best way to tell, is get a pregnancy test.

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What will happen if you are pregnant and play sports?

well, miscarriage is always a possibility if you get hit in the stomach or fall. go see a doctor, they'll tell you what you should or shouldn't be doing.

How do I know if I am I pregnant?

Most of the times, an over the counter pregnancy test will tell you if you are pregnant. If not, go to your local doctor and they can tell by your hormones if you are pregnant or not.

How do I know if I am pregnant?

Most of the times, an over the counter pregnancy test will tell you if you are pregnant. If not, go to your local doctor and they can tell by your hormones if you are pregnant or not.

Where do i go if i don't know if i am pregnant?

your doctor or pharmacy-both have tests which will tell you if you are pregnant.

How does a doctor tell if you are pregnant?

They do a blood or urine test to find the hormones that indicate you are pregnant