

What is a ear?

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8y ago

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well im glad you asked a ear is something you hear out of it is also very entertaining to stick small items in such as beads or small toys so now that you know what an ear is go have fun with it!! and stick lots of small objects in them!!! yay


That is such wonderful irony that it reads as if posted by a despairing parent who's had to remove assorted foreign bodies from his or her little darlings' ears on more than one occasion!

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8y ago
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Q: What is a ear?
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How many moving parts are in the human ear?

The middle ear, outer ear, and inner ear are the three parts of the ear.

Is the ear drum located in the outer ear or the inner ear?

It is just between your external ear and your middle ear.

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there is the inner ear, middle ear, and the outer ear. i had an ear infection

What are the components of the ear?

There are three components of ear: The outer ear The middle ear The inner ear

What is the part of the your ear we can see is?

The three sections are the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. There are links below to the images of the ear's anatomy.

What are the three parts of the ear and what structures are located in each part?

You have external ear, middle ear and the internal ear. You have the auricle and the ear canal is there in the external ear. Then you have a ear drum, that separates external ear from the middle ear. In the middle ear, you have three tiny bones. Eustachian canal is there in the middle ear. Then you have oval and round window to separate the middle ear from internal ear. In the internal ear, you have vestibulocochlear apparatus and the vestbulocochlear nerve is there.

What is the anatomy of the ear?

The anatomy of an ear is basically the build of the ear, like human anatomy. Ear anatomy is not an ear part, but the ear's structure, like when you study Ear anatomy you are studying the ear. So, Ear Anatomy is a term (of speech). The study of the ear is ear anatomy.

The pinna and the ear canal are part of the?

the ear

Do fish have a outer ear or inner ear?

well... if you see the fish's ear on the outside then it has an outer ear but if not then the fish has an inner ear.

What are ears divided into?

The divisions of the human ear are outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear.

Which sense organ contains the drum?

It is called an ear.