

What is a five letter word that has PS in the middle?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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'Lapse' for position 3 and 4, or 'Upset' for positions 2 and 3.

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Q: What is a five letter word that has PS in the middle?
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A letter add-on would be PS, therefore a 2nd letter add-on is PPS. Will PS I hope this helps

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The enclosure typically comes first on a letter, followed by the PS (postscript) if included. The PS is used for added thoughts or information after the main body of the letter and any enclosures.

Should you capitalize the letters PS and the end of a letter?

yes you should because they stand for two words. they are not a word by them selves

What comes first enclosure or PS?

what comes first, enclosure or PS in a letter

Do you capitalize the first word after PS?

Post Script (PS) is a marker that the following in an afterthought. So the following sentence or paragraph should begin with a capital letter.

What is a PS?

After a letter has been written and signed a PS or postscript (which means written after) can be added, usually just a sentence or comment to conclude the letter.

What does the abbreviation PS mean?

PS stands for Post Script. Usually an addition to a note or letter.

What is the acronym of PS?

post scriptum (after the letter)

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PS 121 in NYC