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Individuals in the mixed economy(laissez-faire economy) are free because they are free to choose what they want to do.

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Q: What is a free market economy and how can it benefit the economy?
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How can specialization benefit both buyers and sellers in a free market economy?

In a free market economy, specialization benefits buyers by meeting individual needs. Specialization benefit sellers by creating a sector that is not profitable for big business.

Capitalism is called a free-market economy because?

That’s what those who benefit from capitalism want you to think. In reality there is no free market, due to state interference in the economy.

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A free market economy

What are the positives and negatives of a market economy?

The benefit of a market economy is that people are free to make their own preferences on what products or services to obtain. The problem is that the costs for the production are not paid by the supplier at all times.

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what are the merits and demerits of free market economy

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A free market economy

Is Egypt a market economy?

Egypt is a free market economy.

Does Singapore have a command or free market economy?

A market economy

What are the components of a free market economy?

A free market economy is a market based one. The prices of goods and services are determined independently in a free market.

What kind of economy does Hong Kong have?

a free economy with few goverment regulations

Does Germany have a free market economy?

Germany has a free market economy to a great extent. The country has a social market which operates on the principles of a free market economy.

What type of economy does Panama have?

Panama's economic system is a free-market economy.