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The Effects of Different energy drinks on Plant Growth

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Q: What is a good title for a science fair project with energy drinks and plants?
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What information can you get for a science fair project on plants?

the quantom physics of plants are unlikely.

What would be a good title for a science fair project on plants?

the growth of plants

Do energy drinks help plants grow?

No. the salt ( they call it 'electrolytes'... but it's basically salt) in energy drinks will kill most plants over time. Remember: energy drinks are basically coolaid with a spoon of salt and maybe half a multivitamin added.

What is a good name for your science fair project about plants?

the way the plants die over winter for a week , Plants every where.....

What is a good name for a science fair project about plants?

i would call it something like plants galore!

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How do energy drinks help plants grow better?

No, they will probably kill the plant.

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Which plants are the best conductors of electricity

What would be a good science fair project title for a project with pH and aquatic plants?

pHantastic plants of the sea pHabulous aquatic life Appropriate for child/adolescent

What is a catchy title for your science project 'Does temperature affect plants growth?

Burn it or Grow it?

How do you write a prediction for a science project?

First you need a project, before you can predict the result of that project. Water: is it good for growing plants or not? My prediction: it's good.

Is niactin good for plants?

no niactin which is found in red bull and other energy drinks, plants is not good for a plants health. it is actually very toxic to the plants health