

What is a group of attribute or field in a database?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is a group of attribute or field in a database?
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What is the more common name for attribute?

In a database management system (DBMS), an attribute may describe a component of the database, such as a table or a field, or may be used itself as another term for a field. Commonly we can say that an attribute is a "propety" of a database field or its a characteristic or facet of the data field..

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What is an attribute and how many types?

An attribute in the database terms is called as fields. A group of fields is known as a record or tuple. Attributes can be either simple or composite and single or multi-valued .

What is a field in a databse?

Typically when someone uses the term field in relation to databases, they are referring to an attribute in a specific table within a database. Thus, if you have a database table used to store data about users of your system, a field (or attribute) would be first name.

What is the definition and field for a database f?

Collection of inter related data is called table.Collection of tables is called database.Field of database is its attribute.

What is the prime attribute in a database?

It is an attribute that does not occur in some candidate key.

What is a Composite attribute relating to database?

Attribute composed of multiple components, each with an independent existence

What is a group of fields in a spreadsheet called?

A field is a term associated with databases. Columns in spreadsheets can be related to fields in a database. It is possible to set up a database in a spreadsheet, so in that case a group of columns with data could be like a database table. A database table consists of fields.

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What is the difference between a key and a superkey?

In database a key is a field that we use to sort a data.whereas superkey is a subset of attribute so that no tuple have the same combination of values.