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Okay, to answer this question, let's break it into two questions: What is a detective, and what is homicide?

A detective, also known as an investigator, is a police officer whose job is to investigate crimes. They often interview witnesses and suspect(s) in order to solve a case (crime).

Homicide is defined as the taking of one life by a member of the same species (homo= same, -cide = to kill). A homicide ranges from one of two justifiable offenses (self-defense or accident), to one of several degrees of criminal homicide, which severity of offense ranges from manslaughter by culpable negligence to capital murder.

So a homicide detective, or homicide investigator, in short, is a police officer who is a member of the Homicide division of a law-enforcement agency, and accordingly, whose job is to investigate homicide cases.

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13y ago

In police heirarchy the homicide detective reins supreme. Many started as patrol cops and worked their way up the ladder. The good ones work very hard. Many people don't realize that when assigned a case the detectives may work around the clock until it's resolved. Unless of course those cases that drag on for months or years. It really is true that the first 24 to 48 hours after a murder is the best time to solve the crime. If it goes over a few days, the chances of resolution dwindle as time goes on.

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Yes. If a detective learns a strong suspect for a homicide has been arrested and is in custody in another state the detective may go to the jail where the suspect is incarcerated to interview them.

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A suit- it is required attire.

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"Homicide" refers to a crime involving murder. Example : "The man committed homicide and was arrested and jailed."

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Yes it is, but a number of disciplines must be used by homicide detectives.

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Depends on what department the detective works for. There is no one gun.

How much does a homicide detective get paid in Louisiana?

A homicide detective's pay varies widely depending what jurisdiction they serve or what agency employs them and how long they've been doing the job.

How much money does a homicide detective make?

A homicide detective gets at least 100-180 thousand a year.