

What is a host cell?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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11y ago

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Virus live inside "host cells"of living creatures. There is an attraction of certain types of virus to certain cells. This is why cold virus "likes" lung tissue and sinus. Or herpes likes human lips and sexual skin tissue. It is attracted based on the nature of the virus and the types of proteins and enzymes in the cell.

HPV also is attracted to sexual tissues and reproductive cells and causes cancer as it constantly disrupts these cells and mutates them. HPV also causes fetal mutations, throat cancer and anal cancer in people who have unprotected anal sex.

All of these human tissues are hosts to specific viral infections. Viral infections are the number one cause of genetic diseases in humans according to PubMed research Any virus that can cause cancer can cause permanent fetal mutations that can kill the baby or if it lives to reproduce becomes the source of a new genetic diseases. We now have 17000 known genetic diseases from mutations. There are over 98000 ERV's found encrypted in the human sexual reproductive region of DNA.

HIV is has its entry point in the CCR5 protein of an immune cell. It is attracted to it naturally.

Humans have created most of these viruses by their activities to spread an mutate them amongst humans through sexual activities, and by cultivating meat in "foods" like pigs, chickens, ducks, and other creatures that can pass human viruses into their bodies that have similar host cells to humans. Once these virus enter into a host pig or chicken they mutate based on the effects of the pig's or chicken's (or host animal's) immune system trying to kill it. This is what causes these mutants that survive and then are transferred back into humans.

All of this is well documented in medical research into diseases.

There are some virus that help inside the human body and are good for us and we should leave those alone.

The ones we transmit sexually they are all bad for human life (non of those are good for human life and are destructive when they enter into a human reproductive egg, sperm or fertilized zygote) or back and forth from animal cultivation. Animal mutated virus was the cause of the Swine Flu of 1914 that killed 50,000,000 people.

People seem to like to eat meat, even if it causes viral mutations, that cause genetic (mutations) diseases and pandemics in our species. It is not just from eating the meat, but it is the human interaction with these species touching and breathing and sneezing in the same area that transfers the viruses back and forth.

There are ways to work with dairy cattle and not pass virus to them or to get their virus back at us. Small pox was one of those mutant viruses. It was the first virus that we found a vaccine for by using a dead cowpox virus and injecting it in people to immunize them.

Most of the above about meat has no basis in fact and are just "beliefs". A host cell is one that a virus or microbe needs to help them replicate. Viruses are "hijackers" of living cells. They take over the host DNA so that the host DNA will make virus particles instead of host proteins. They fill the host cell with these particles and then kill the host cell by breaking out to find more cells to infect.

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