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The only time I ever heard the word "Insultator" was in an episode of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction. In this episode, the Insultator is an electronic device a taxi driver installs in his cab that plays insults about people being "cheap" to passengers who don't tip, e.g., "Nice tip, you must be saving your money for a facelift."

I Googled it and also discovered that it now appears to be a French app on iTunes that generates insults.


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Diffrence between conductor and insulator?

A conductor easily transfers energy in the form of electricity and/or heat, while an insulator does not easily transfer these types of energy.Conductors are the substances which allow the electricity to pass through them while insulators resist electricity.A conductor is something which allows electric current to flow through it freely whereas an insulator prevents any electric current flowing through it. Mainly insulators are classified as solid materials due to the fact they offer a large resistance to the flow of current however, metals are classified as conductors as they offer a small resistance to the flow of current.CONDUCTOR: those objects which can pass electricity through them is known as conductors. the conductors can pass electricity through them due to free electrons present in them. for example: iron, copper, aluminium etc.INSULATOR: those objects which can not pass electricity through them is called insulator. the insulators can't pass electricity due to less or absence of free electrons. for example paper, wood, rubber etcA conductor easily lets "something" pass, while an insultator won't. The "something" is usually either an electrical current, or heat.A conductor differes from an insulator because it offers low resistance to the flow of current while an insulator offers high resistance to the flow of current.A conductor easily transfers energy in the form of electricity and/or heat, while an insulator does not easily transfer these types of energy.CONDUCTOR: those objects which can pass electricity through them is known as conductors. the conductors can pass electricity through them due to free electrons present in them. for example: iron, copper, aluminium etc.INSULATOR: those objects which can not pass eletricity through them is called insulator. the insulators can't pass electricity due to less or absence of free electrons. for example paper, wood, rubber etcA conductor is any material that allows electricity to pass through it, an insulator is any material that doesn't allow electricity to pass through it, so in other words, an insulator is the opposite of a conductor.A material that is a good conductor of electricity has very narraw gap between its valence band and conduction band. Whereas, insulators have a large energy gap i.e, gap between its valence band its conduction band is large. Energy has to be supplied to such material if we want to make electrons in the valance band to jump over to the conduction band.conductor is a material, that can let electricity/energy flow better whereas an insulator cannot flow as quickly and better. an insulator would be rubber, cloth, glass, Styrofoam, dry wood, and etc...Conductors - Substances which allow heat energy to flow through them easily and quickly are called conductorsInsulators - substances which do not allow heat energy through them are called bad conductors or insulatorsConductors allow electricity to pass through them where as insualtors stop the current.An example of an insulator is plastic. An example of a conductor is copper (most metals are conductors).conductor has low resistance to electricity.Insulator has high resistance to electricity.Conductors conduct electricity or heat due to free electrons. In conducting heat the electrons of a conductor vibrate and affect the electrons nearby vibrate as well and thus conduct heat. Similarly, conductors have free electrons to move and thus conduct electricity.Insulators do not have free electrons and theses electrons are bound and do not freely vibrate when heated. Nor are they able to travel when an electrical current is applied.An insulator has no free non bound electrons whereas a conductor does.