

What is a leech collector?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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14y ago

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Yes I know a leech collector doesn't sound that pleasant but they play a very important role in medievalEurope. Leeches are very helpful in the medicinal uses in bloodletting. Bloodletting is believed to return the patient to general good health. Doctors put leeches on the patient's skin and each leech can suck several times its original body weight in blood to help make the patient better. See, what they do is they wade into leech infested waters, often ponds. They have to allow them to attach themselves to our bare legs and about 2,500 leeches can be gathered per day it's a pretty creepy way, aye? They are thought to be a cure for just about everything from headaches to brain congestion, obesity, haemorrhoids, eye disorders and mental illness.

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What was a leech collector in the middle ages?

In the middle ages there were a lot of Medical theories about the blood. If you got sick, it was often believed to be b/c of "bad blood". So to make people healthy, you had to get rid of the "bad blood". It was called blood letting, and there were different methods for this. Cupping was one, letting leeches suck was Another. So a steady stock of hungry leeches was a required tool for many medieval doctors. A leech collector would be the one who supplied the doctors with leeches.

What happen to leech when salt is put on them while some live in marine habitat?

When people put salt on the leech the leech dies and the marine leech will survive in the marine habitat.

What rhymes with leech?

beach, beech, reach rhymes with leech.

How do you get a leech?

you can get a leech off by either burning it or putting salt on it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where did the name leech come from?

whats the oringinal place of the leech