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Every Crohns disease patient has a diet that works for them. When it comes to diet there are no hard and fast rules because what works for you may not work for someone else. Keeping a journal of what bothers you and what is OK helps. Low residue diets work well during a flare up. Reducing gas producing foods helps some people as does some fiber restriction. Again, nothing works for everyone the same way. Speaking with a dietician is often one of the first things a doctor will have you do after a diagnosis of Crohns disease.

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14y ago
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16y ago

The "modified" Atkins diet or low carb lifestyle for Crohn's disease is being touted all over the web as the magic bullet able to cure everything from being overweight to cancer.

Although diet is important to those of us suffering from Crohn's disease. At this time there is no cure for Crohn's disease, there are only treatments to ease the symptoms.

Every Crohn's sufferer responds differently to diets and medications. One should be wary of any claim to be able to cure an incurable ailment. Work with your doctors and test things for yourself to find what best works for you.

you can get info on the diet from webmd

use the link below

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15y ago

Every Crohns patient reacts differently to what they eat during a flare up of symptoms and when everything is calm and the disease is in remission they may tolerate everything with no problem. During a bad flare up most patients opt for a " I am not eating anything" diet but this just causes more problems.

Because of the excessive cramping and diarrhea a switch to liquid diet is often recommended. High energy meal supplements are used to bolster nutrition. High fiber and slow digestible raw veggies are often not tolerated and can cause blockage.

Many on-line diet plans tout "special diet" and "sure cures" for our disease but none of them work for every patient, every time and it is much better and affordable to speak with a nutritionist. Speak with your attending doctor about what you should and should not eat and visit the link I have provided for you for lots more information than I can give you here.

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