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My mucus (or mucous) plug I expected to be a sort of clump but it wasn't. it was brownish blood and only a very small amount. I lost it while in hospital and the midwife informed me that this was my mucous plug (the show).

I looks like someone blew their nose in your underwear after a bloody nose


A mucous plug is a thick seal of mucous covering the bottom of the cervix in a pregnant woman. The plug helps prevent bacteria from entering the uterus and creating an infection harmful to the developing fetus.

Most women lose the mucous plug at or near the end of their pregnancy when the cervix begins to dilate in preparation for delivery. Because some women may begin dilating weeks before going into active labor, losing the plug does not necessarily mean birth is imminent.

The mucous plug may be yellowish, brown or pink in appearance. Pink and brown indicates the presence of blood, and is nothing to be concerned about unless you're fewer than 36 weeks pregnant. In this case, call your doctor immediately, especially if you experience spotting or bleeding, which may indicate a condition called "placenta previa" (meaning the placenta has attached too low in the uterus) or "placental abruption" (meaning the placenta has detached from the uterus). Either complication could result in a medical emergency.

Call your doctor immediately anytime you experience bleeding during pregnancy.

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14y ago

I am no Dr, but did have children. The Mucus plug is the plug of the cervix when a woman is pregnant which is situated deep within the vagina and feels like a large bump that becomes more enlarged when pregnant. The plug separates from the cervix and the woman has a show, which is like a blob of blood mixed in mucus and this means the beginning of labour.

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