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Q: What is a physical feature determined by the genotype?
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What is thePhysical feature determined by the genotype?


What are the characteristics of phenotype?

A phenotype is the physical characteristics of an organism. It is determined by the genotype, so the characteristics are endless. You have to specifically know the genotype or the physical features to determine the phenotype

What is a phenotype-?

A phenotype is the physical trait or feature of an organism that is the effect of a particular genotype. Flower color of snapdragons is one example of a phenotype, and the color is determined by which alleles comprise the genotype. Plants that are homozygous for the flower color alleles are either white or red. Heterozygous snapdragons are pink.

What is a physical expression of a genotype?

a physical expression of a genotype is called PHENOTYPE

The physical expression of the genotype is called?

the organism's phenotype is the physical expression of the genotype

What is determined by genotype and environment?


What are some phenotypes of the kangaroo?

This qurestion makes little sense as the phenotype is the physical expression of the kangaroos genome (or genotype). Thus, any physical feature of the kangaroo is a phenotype of the kangaroo.

The detectable traits of an organism as determined by what alleles are present is the what?

The physical trait exhibited by an organism's genes is called the phenotype. (As opposed to the genotype, which refers to the alleles themselves.)

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How can a person genotype for a trait be determined from his or her phenotype for the trait?


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How can a person's genotype for a trait be determined from his or her phenotype for the trait?
