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Jet stream :) Study island question . I know how it feels when you get stuck on a question and the lesson doesn't help at all especially science. People should copy all the answers so life could be more easier. Just saying. Hope i helped you and have good days ahead of you.

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Q: What is a quick-moving ribbon of air that moves from the west to the east high in the atmosphere this air current bends and dips down to move weather systems around?
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What current is responsible for circulating hot and cold air in the atmosphere and causing local weather systems?


What is the description of the current state of the atmosphere?

what is weather

Are there weather systems on Mercury?

No, because Mercury has no atmosphere.

Current conditions of the atmosphere is called?

We call it Weather!

What is meteorological?

Meteorology is the study of weather and the atmosphere.The study of the atmosphere, processes that cause weather, and the life cycle of weather systems.

Is a tornado weather or climate?

A tornado is weather. Weather is the current condition of the atmosphere, or what the atmosphere does over a relatively short period of time. Climate is the overall weather pattern over the course of decades or more.

Weather is the current conditions of the atmosphere and climate is the study of past weather-True or False?

Not entirely. Climate is an average of weather, which can be either in the past or in the future. Weather is just day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere.

Is a quick-moving ribbon of air that moves from west to east high in the atmosphere This air current constantly bends and dips down to move weather systems around?

Jet Stream

What do meteorologists study?

They study weather and predict it too.They study atmospheric science and need to have a math degree.Earth's weather systems and atmosphere

What studies meteorologists?

They study weather and predict it too.They study atmospheric science and need to have a math degree.Earth's weather systems and atmosphere

What are some other words for 'weather'?

Some other words for weather are: 1. Meteorology 2. Current State Of The Atmosphere 3. Current Conditions Hope this helped! :)

The current conditions in the atmosphere can be described as?

weather. The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure. a. Adverse or destructive atmospheric conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain: encountered weather five miles out to sea.