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I was told it was an "exotic stream."

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Q: What is a river or stream that does not reach the ocean called?
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What is the flow of a stream of water either in a river or through an ocean?

It is called an ocean current or a river current. :)

What is the area where a freshwater river or stream enters the ocean?

The area where a freshwater river or stream enters the ocean is called an estuary. It is a coastal area of brackish water formed when freshwater enters the ocean.

A natural stream of water larger than a creek and empting into an ocean?

A natural stream of water larger than a creek and emptying into an ocean is called a river. The longest river in the world is the Nile River in Africa.

A natural stream of water flowing toward a lake or an ocean is called?

A river.

What is a stream of water that flows like a river in the ocean called?

current people

What is a place where a river flows called?

stream, creek or either a lake or a ocean

What is a river of water in the ocean?

A river of water in the ocean might be a way to describe an ocean current, such as the Gulf Stream.

What is a river or a stream that flows into a larger river or stream called?

A stream or river called that flows into a larger stream or river is called a tributary.

When a small river flows into a larger one what does it eventually empty into?


What body of water has a part called a 'mouth'?

The mouth is the part of a river of stream where it meats a sea or ocean.

Stream or river that runs into another stream or river is called?

Tributary is the answer you are looking for, I believe.

What is a natural stream of water larger than a creek and emptying intp an ocean lake or river?

There are two answers to this question based upon the way it is written. A. A large natural stream of water emptying into a large "body" is called a river; and B. A large natural stream of water emptying into a larger body can be called a tributary. Normally this is a smaller river than the "large body". Thus the Missouri River is a tributary of the Mississippi River.