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The scientific name for a sow bug is Oniscus asellus.

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Q: What is the species of a sow bug?
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Is a sow bug an insect?

A sow bug is NOT an insect. It is an insopod.

Does light affect the sow bug?

Does light affect the sow bug?

Does light affect sow bugs?

Does light affect the sow bug?

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What is the difference between the pill bug and sow bug?

1.sow bugs have a lighter shell and pill bugs have a darker colored shell -josh 2.Pill bugs can roll into a ball whereas Sow bugs cannot :D

Is a sow bug a herbivore?

Chickens eat anything that moves!

Why do sow bugs need a moist atmosphere?

That they easily dry out is the reason why the sow bug needs a moist atmosphere.Specifically, the sow bug is prone to moisture loss. It loses water whenever it eliminates waste. Water also seeps out through its hard outer skeleton, which is called a cuticle. Therefore, sow bugs generally try to spend time under damp, dark litter, logs and rocks even though there is one species, Hemilepistus reaumuri, which is native to the Middle East's and North Africa's deserts.

What kind of bug is dark grey lots of legs 3 inches long looks like a sow bug?

a millipede

How do sow bugs sense their environment?

The Sow bug has a pair of appendages, called the uropod's, that project from the rear of the animal. These are a sensory and defensive in function.

What is the important function that a sow bug performs?

recycling of an environment by number of nutrients they have.

What is the opposite of 'boar'?

That would be the sow, the female of the species.

Gender of sow?

As far as I know it's female. But in what species?