

What is a sentence for jog?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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I'm going out for a short jog.

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Q: What is a sentence for jog?
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Let's jog around the street.

How do you know when to use but or and in a compound sentence?

you can connect a sentence..we don't usually use but. Example-mark has likes to run. Mark likes to jog. in these sentences mark is used twice. to make a compound sentence take one Mark out. you can use and or or. in this sentence u will use and. mark likes to run and jog. use and when you are connecting two things. u would use but in a sentence like this- marks likes to jog. mark does not like to jog on rainy days. correct answer-Mark likes to jog but not on rainy days. hope this helps u :}

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Even a short jog tends to tucker me out.

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that jog was so exhilarating

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i like to jog around the lake

How do you use jogger in a sentence?

It's a sharp change in direction. Eg : there was a jog in the road

Is jog a relative pronoun?

No, the word 'jog' is not a pronoun.The word 'jog' is a verb and a noun.The verb to jog means to run at a steady gentle pace for enjoyment or as a form of physical exercise; nudge or knock slightly; a word for an action.The noun jog is a word for a run for exercise or pleasure at a slow steady speed; a slow steady pace; an unevenness in a line or surface; a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'jog' is it.Examples:Jack likes to jog every morning. He jogs to the park and back. (the pronoun 'he' takes the place of the noun 'Jack' in the second sentence)The jog takes about thirty minutes. It includes a short hill. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'jog' in the second sentence)

What is a sentence with pent-up?

A jog at the end of the workday is a good release for pent up frustration.

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I'd rather go for a jog than sit and ruminate about a bad day.

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Jog Jog

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run and jog run and jog run and jog run and jog

What is the past tense of jog?

Jogged is the past tense of jog.