

What is a sentence using contiguous?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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"is my disease contiguous

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Q: What is a sentence using contiguous?
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What is a sentence using the word Contiguous?

the southern ocean is contiguous with the atlantic

Make sentence by using word contiguous?

I live in one of the contiguous United States.

Use contiguous in a sentence?

Contiguous means touching. Alaska is not one of the contiguous states.

How can you use contiguous in a sentence?

Four parcels of land have contiguous borders

Contiguous in a sentence?

the super cute girl's arm was contiguous with the boy's arm, and he was very excited about it.

How can I put contiguous in a sentence?

Contiguous is an adjective describing things that share a common border, are touching, or things together in a sequence. Example: The United States and Canada share a contiguous border.

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in contiguous allocation overhead during execution of a non contiguous allocation address translation is performed during execution of a program..

How do you use contiguous in a sentence?

The contiguous United States does not include Alaska and Hawaii. Contiguous means adjacent; touching; right next to; consecutive; sequential; or close together, but not touching. Contiguous events are adjacent in time. Contiguous memory locations are right next to each other in address space, as in (3), (4), (5). In computer terminology, contiguous is sometimes distinguished from consecutive or continuous, because 'continuous' or 'consecutive' could apply in absolute addressing, but possibly may not apply in virtual space or relative [indirect] addressing.

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An organism is any contiguous living system, such as animal, fungus, or plant.