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Fragment means a piece, or a portion, and implies that it has been broken from the whole.

  • The archeological world was in a storm after he discovered a fragment of the actual holy grail.
  • Only a tiny fragment of the bullet remained buried in the wall, but it was still enough to convict the shooter.
  • What you handed in as homework was barely a fragment of what the real assignment was, so you get an F.
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13y ago

Since fragmented means ....describes something that is Broken into pieces ......the glass mirror was badly fragmented, so they couldn't fix it

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Q: What is a sentence using the word fragment?
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What is a tree example of a fragment sentence?

I'm not sure if this is what you need, but an example of a sentence fragment containing the word tree is below. The bird in the tree. (This is a sentence fragment and not a complete sentence because there is no verb (action word).

Is the following sentence a fragment. although I finished?

Yes, it is a fragment, it's not a sentence. It could be a sentence without the word although. "I finished." is a sentence. Using the word "although" needs a sentence that the word is referring to either in front of it or after it. Although I finished, I was not happy with the work. I'm still hungry, although I finished my lunch.

Using a flashlight he looked under the bed for his shoes is this fragment sentence?

No. This is not a fragment.

What is another word for an incomplete sentence?

a fragment

What is an intentional fragment?

an intentional fragment is a form of writing where you use one word as a sentence. this creates "drama" and makes the word stand out.

What is a sentence with the word fragment in it?

They were sure he was a fragment of her imagination.A large fragment of the shattered vase flung across the room.I can only remember a fragment of what happened.

What is a sentence for sentence fragment?

I have a fragment of glass in my hand. As political agreement could not be achieved, society began to fragment.

Is it's here a sentence fragment?

It is a sentence. It is a declarative sentence also because it's giving a demand.

Is this a sentence fragment Do you work?

Do you work? is a complete sentence; it is not a sentence fragment.

Is she wave sentence or fragment?

"She wave." is fragment but "She waves" is a sentence.

Is Trying a double somersault a sentence or sentence fragment?


Is handsome over the years pronoun?

The word 'handsome' is an adjective. The word 'over' is functioning as a preposition. The word 'yeas' is a noun as the object of the preposition 'over'. The term 'handsome over the years' is a sentence fragment. There are NO pronouns in this sentence fragment.