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it is pleiotropic

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Q: Can s single gene control more than one characteristic?
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What is multiple aleles?

Multiple alleles indicates that either the study is being conducted on alleles at more than one gene locus, that the characteristic being studied is controlled by several alleles at different loci or that there are two or more alleles at a single gene locus.

What has same alleles?

Two or more genes which control the same characteristic.

What is one difference between single gene trait and a polygenic trait?

Polygenic traits result in more variation because so many more alleles are involved in the process of reproduction.

Multiple gene or polygenic inheritance occurs when two or more genes code for a single trait?


Can single gene on a chromosome contain only one pair of nitrogen bases?

No because a single gene is made up of many bases in a row in a chromosome that may contain anywhere from several hundred to a million or more nitrogen bases.

Related questions

Can a single gene control a single trait.?

It was once believed that one gene controls one trait, so it is possible. Currently, the belief is that one gene can interact with other genes to control a trait, and that one gene can control more than one trait.

Can a single gene control a single trait?

It was once believed that one gene controls one trait, so it is possible. Currently, the belief is that one gene can interact with other genes to control a trait, and that one gene can control more than one trait.

What is multiple aleles?

Multiple alleles indicates that either the study is being conducted on alleles at more than one gene locus, that the characteristic being studied is controlled by several alleles at different loci or that there are two or more alleles at a single gene locus.

When a particular inherited characteristic is controlled more by one gene of a pair than by the other the stronger gene is called?


What is the difference between single-gene traits and complex traits?

Single gene diseases only effect one typeof gene where im a complex genetic disease many genes are effected. An example of a single gene diseas is sickle cell anemia. Cancer would be an eexample of a complex gene disease.

There or more forms of a gene that code for a single trait are called?


What is a single gene that affects more than one trait?


When a single trait is affected by more than one gene locus this called?

Multifactorial inheritance describes the situation were more than one gene affects a single trait. Environmental factors can also contribute to the single trait.

What has same alleles?

Two or more genes which control the same characteristic.

When a particular inherited characteristic is controlled more by one of a pair than by the other the stronger gene is called?


What is polygeny?

Inheritance in which more than one gene pair affects the appearance of a particular trait. Polygenetic inheritance refers to the non-Mendelian form of inheritance in which a particular trait is produced by the interaction of many genes.

A single gene has 3 or more alternative forms These are called?

The different forms or variations of a gene are called alleles. Thank you<3