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White Pine and Yellow Cedar

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They are all Conifers and Evergreens.

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Q: Pines cedars and yews are what kind of trees?
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What trees do cones come from?

Conifers produce seed-bearing cones. Typical examples of conifers are cedars, cypresses, firs, junipers, pines, hemlocks, yews, spruces, and redwoods. There are actually 630 living species of conifers.

What are examples of a conifer?

Pine, Cypress, Fir, Larch, Spruce, Cedars, Yews and Redwoods.

Where does the coniferous grow best?

Greece, Germany, China, India, Russia, Japan, Scandinavia, the British Isles, the Middle East, North America, Central America, South America, etc. Conifers are simply cone-bearing trees. They include pines, cedars, junipers (which are excellent for Bonsai), cypress and yews.

What is a cone bearing plants?

pine treesCone bearing plants are called conifers. Some common examples of conifers are cedars, spruces, yews, pines, redwoods, cypresses, firs, and junipers.

What trees are coniferous trees?

Cone-bearers are the trees which are called coniferous trees or conifers.Specifically, the term comes from the combination of the Latin noun conus ("cone") and the present infinitive ferre ("to bear"). A conifer is recognizable for its leaves in the form of needles or scales. Most conifers also may be called evergreens since - other than baldcypresses and tamaracks - they shed their foliage over the course of 2-3 years. Well-known examples of conifers range from cedars to cypresses, firs, hemlocks, junipers, kauris, larches, pines, redwoods, spruces and yews.

What are some examples of coniferous?

Pine, Cypress, Fir, Larch, Spruce, Cedars, Yews and Redwoods.

What do deciduous and coniferous mean?

conifers: any tree that has thin leaves needles and produces cones. Many types are evergreen. Pines, firs, junipers, larches, spruces, and yews are conifers. deciduous:describes trees and bushes that shed their leaves in the fall.

Do yew trees grow in New Zealand?

No. Yews do not grow in New Zealand.

What plant produces cones?

Conifers produce cones!There are around 550 species of conifer trees in existence worldwide.Some examples of evergreen conifers include pines, firs, cedars, spruces, junipers, hemlocks, and yews. their cones may be hard and dry, such as with pine and spruce trees, or fleshy like with junipers. Some conifers lose their needles or scaly leaves in winter as in the cases of larches and cypresses. Conifers tend to inhabit colder and drier habitats around the world.Hope that helps!! :D-J.T.Sources:My Biology Book and research project!

What types of plants have reproductive structures on cones?

Coniferous trees bear cones such as pine trees, fir trees, and spruce trees...Pine trees bear pine cones.Conifers; Coniferous plants

How do you i get to level 99 woodcut on runescape?

1-15 normal trees 15-30 willow trees 30-60 willows 60-99 yews or if your a member 60-68 yews 68-75 ivy 75-99 magic trees note:ivys are the best xp in rs if you want to do this quicker but with no profit cut Ivy's

What kinds of plants will grow from a cone?

Coniferous plants produce seeds in cones instead of fruits, they include Pines, ceders, firs, spruce, Junipers and Yews, plus a few others,