

What is a verbal ironic?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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This is when words express something that is contrary to the truth and is often sarcastic

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Q: What is a verbal ironic?
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This is known as an ironic nickname; the literary device is called verbal irony.

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An example of verbal irony from the book "The Outsiders" occurs when Ponyboy says, "I'm a greaser. I'm a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city." This is ironic because Ponyboy is actually a kind and thoughtful person who doesn't fit the stereotype of a troublemaker.

What is an example of verbal irony in titanic?

An example of verbal irony in Titanic is when Rose tells Jack, "I'm flying, Jack!" as they stand on the bow of the ship, just before tragedy strikes and the ship sinks. This statement is ironic because they are actually on a sinking ship, not flying.

What is the Verbal Irony in the short story A Retrieved Reformation?

An example of verbal irony in the story A Retrieved Reformation would be when the warden is saying "Oh , no. Of course not." That is the response to Jimmy Valentine saying, "Me? I have never cracked a safe in my life." This is an example of verbal irony because we all know that Jimmy Valentine is a burglar and he has cracked open a safe before. Remember that verbal irony is basically sarcasm.

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Whispering is verbal communication.

What was ironic in the book slaughterhouse five?

The tone was ironic