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An acorn is the fruit of the oak tree, an oval nut growing in a woody cup.

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Q: What is a acorn on the food chain?
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Can an acorn be first in a food chain?

yes it actully can

Where do squirrel fall in the food chain?

right above the acorn...and below the brown bear..

What is a food chain that starts with an acorn?

Well first off, the Sun starts every food chain. Then the Suns nutrience goes to the acorn tree. A squirrel eats the acorn. The squirrel gets eaten by a fox, the fox gets eaten by a wolf. The wolf dies and decomposers break down the nutrience of the wolfs body into the ground.Examples of decomposers:wormsmaggotsbacteriafungus

What is it called when Mice feed on acorns owls feed on mice?

It's called a food chain- a hierarchical series of organisms that are dependent on the next as a source of food. Usually shown in a linear fashion: ex. Owl --> mouse --> acorn

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A food web is a diagram that shows the feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem.

What food did coast miwoks eat?

acorn and deer

What is meant by the term producer?

The term producer is a plant or flower or tree in a food chain... For exampleA acorn A squirrel A foxThe acron would be the producer because it doesn't eat another animal...

Why is a komodo dragon food chain not a food chain?

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What are some Hupa Indian food?

Acorn, Salmon, corn,

What is a mekong food chain?

A Mekong food chain is a food chain of the Mekong region

If an animal from food chain is disappeared then what will be its effect on the food chain?

it would effect the food chain because one part of the food chain is missing

What is a diagram that shows how energy in fod flows from one organism to another?

A food chain.