

What Is An Alveolie?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It is the place in the body where carbon dioxide and oxygen change places in the lungs. It is the place in the body where carbon dioxide and oxygen change places in the lungs.

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15y ago

alveoli, small sacs rich in blood vessels, ensure the increase of the blood flow in th lung

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Why is there so many alveolie?

Aveoli are small sacs in your lungs. Their main function is to perform gas exchange, meaning they exchange the oxygen in your lungs for the carbon dioxide in your blood stream. The reason there are so many small ones instead of a few large ones is that there is a larger surface are for gas exchange to take place, so it is more efficient. Also, the aveoli in the lower parts of the lungs hold dead air, which is utilized now in the AHA "hands-only' CPR.

List in order the structures of the respiratory system through which air passes from the outside to the alveolie?

Nasal or oral cavity, pharynx,larynx,trachea. Trachea divides into to parts called primary bronchus. One goes to right lung second to left.Both bronki divide into 10 each. Then each divide into two and again into two and this process of dividing continues for 17 times. So to get the number you do 20*2*2-----17 times.Last you get the bronchioles. Then alveoli starts witch divide 6 time. So 20*2*2---23 times and you get the number of alveoli. Total surface area of alveoli is abot 100 square meters or about 1100 feet.