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A participle phrase consists of the participle, an object or a complement, and any modifiers. For example Kissing the child gently, the mother cuddled the little girl. Kissing the child gently would be the Participle Phrase.

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Q: What is an example of a sentence with a participle phrase?
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What is participle dangles?

A participle dangles when the participle phrase is not sufficiently close to the word that the participle (or participial phrase) modifies. If the participle is the first element in a sentence, the modified word should be the next word. The most egregious example of a dangling participle occurs when the word modified does not even occur in the same sentence as the participle, as in "Sitting in my chair, numerous events occurred".

Can everlasting be a participle?

Yes, "everlasting" can function as a participle when it is used as an adjective in a verb phrase. For example, in the sentence "The sunset was everlasting," "everlasting" is functioning as a participle modifying the noun "sunset."

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The participle is the single word "been", the past participle of "to be".

What is the participial phrase int his sentence. charging at the red cloak the bull missed his mark?

In the phrase, "Charging at the red cloak, the bull missed his mark," the participle phrase is "charging at the red cloak." It is a participle phrase because it works as an adjective in the sentence.

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The phrase, "Spats is the name of your very spoiled cat" includes a participle. The participle or participial phrase in the sentence is "spoiled."

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What is a sentence phrase?

a sentence phrase is a"sentence "that funtions as a phrase in the sentence. For example: I'm tired of his saying " I'm out of money".

Is phrase a sentence?

a sentence phrase is a"sentence "that funtions as a phrase in the sentence. For example: I'm tired of his saying " I'm out of money".

What is a particaple phrase?

The correct spelling is participle phrase. A participle phrase has a participle, an object, modifier, and complements. It is an adjective phrase starting with a participle.

What is the participle phrase in the sentence Chops grabbing for my fingers tried to bring the tasty morsel closer?

The participle phrase "grabbing for my fingers" refers to the subject Chops (apparently a person's nickname). Grabbing is the present participle of to grab.

What is the participle or participial phrase in this sentence ''Spats is the name of my very spoiled cat''?


What is the participle or participial phrase in this sentence Spats is the name of your very spoiled cat?
