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Q: What is an orange brown European butterfly with ragged edged wings?
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What is a brown and orange butterfly called?

There are many species of butterfly that exhibit a vibrant orange colour. These can include: * Orange Tip Butterfly * Banded Orange Butterfly * Orange Paris Butterfly * Cruiser Butterfly * Sleepy Orange Butterfly * Orange Leopard Butterfly * Oak Tiger Butterfly * Oregon Silverspot Butterfly * Orange Ringlet Butterfly * Viceroy * Great Spangled Fritillary * Peacock Pansy * Tortoiseshell * Common Jester * Red Lace Wing * Satyr Anglewing * Marpesia berania * Peacock * Pearly Crescentspot Although there are many species of butterfly that are orange in colour, they each have very distinctive markings that are unique to that family. If the butterfly's pattern and colouring are taken note of, it is easy to find the exact species it belongs to.

What butterfly has orange-brown wings and is found on every continent excluding Antarctica?

There are no butterflies in Antarctica. The Vanessa Cardui is a butterfly in every continent, except Antarctica and Australia.

What kind of butterfly will a black and orange striped catterpillar turn into?

It can be difficult to determine what kind of butterfly a black and orange striped caterpillar will turn into because there is more than one type of caterpillar that fits that description. Most likely it will turn into a monarch butterfly, which is a very common insect in many parts of the world.

What does it mean if you see a orange and black butterfly?

Orange butterflies symbolize New life Yellow butterflies symbolize remembrance of a lost love one Black butterflies are a symbol of a bad omen But if a butterfly lands on you it's good luck and you should make a wish :)

Meaning of brown butterfly?

Traditionally, the butterfly is a symbol of rebirth. According to Native American beliefs, a brown butterfly should bring someone news.

What color do you get when mixing orange with brown?

Orange brown.

Is the lion brown or orange?

No, it is yellow,orange and brown.

When was Chris Brown discovered?

Chris Brown was discovered when i ragged him. At the age of 5. ;)

What do Butterfly look like?

There is no such thing as a butterfly caterpillar.

Does orange match with brown?

orange is one of the colors to make brown kinda its a yes or no if u like orange and brown

Is Orange better than Brown?

yes orange is better than brown

Why is brown better than orange?

Because orange is better than brown