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Q: What is fighting with bamboo sticks called?
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What is the name of the bamboo stick used in kendo called?

It is called a "shinai," I believe it means "bamboo sword."

How are bamboo sticks similar to scaffolding sticks?

bamboo is very strong in some places they used to tie people to the ground and let bamboo grow through them for torture

What do pandas usally eat?

bamboo sticks

What make pandas happy?

bamboo sticks

I would like to use very tall bamboo sticks in my home decor, what style vase should I put them in?

Tall, squared vases are usually best for bamboo sticks. Any color of vase can be used and you can even paint the bamboo sticks to compliment your vase color.

How many sticks of bamboo do they eat in a day?


Can you use bamboo sticks to make a lantern?


How do panda bears find there food?

by bitting bamboo sticks

What is sakuting?

A Filipino dance that was originally performed just by boys, the sakuting dance is a portrayal of mock fighting using sakuting sticks. These sticks are about 1 1/2 feet in length and are either bamboo or striped. The dance itself is a theatrical dance, also known as moro-moro, that consists of two teams that represent different sides circling each other gently imitating martial art sparring by clashing bamboo sticks.

Did the Japanese insert bamboo into the arms of POW's?

The Japanese did insert bamboo into the arms of the POWs and they would also jam sharp bamboo sticks under their fingernails.

What is sakuting dance?

A Filipino dance that was originally performed just by boys, the sakuting dance is a portrayal of mock fighting using sakuting sticks. These sticks are about 1 1/2 feet in length and are either bamboo or striped. The dance itself is a theatrical dance, also known as moro-moro, that consists of two teams that represent different sides circling each other gently imitating martial art sparring by clashing bamboo sticks.

What is an African house made of for a child?

mud, sticks, bamboo, leaves?