

What is bedding in rabbits?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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There is no bedding in rabbits...

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Q: What is bedding in rabbits?
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What is a safe bedding substitute for wild rabbits?

Hay and grass makes a comfy and healthy bedding for most rabbits.

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What do baby rabbits need for beding?

Rabbits normally like hay or straw for bedding.

Is newspaper bad for rabbits?

Yes, newspaper is not an ideal bedding for rabbits as the ink can be harmful if ingested. It's best to use safe bedding options like hay, straw, or paper-based bedding for your rabbit's enclosure.

Is hay ok for there bedding?

hay is perfect for a rabbits bedding i use it when i run out of straw and she loved it so much we started using it all the time

Do rabbits have there young in nests or burrows?

Burrows if outside in wild and a bed of rabbit bedding for a pet bunny

What type of beding do i use for your rabbits cage?

Generally the best bedding is pine woodchips or wood pellets.

How much does the bedding for the bunny cage cost?

If its hay, it will run abuot 30 dollars because I have horses and rabbits.

Can you use leaves as rabbit bedding?

Many rabbits eat their bedding and thats exactly what my rabbit does we put hay in her cage and she eats it so we have to put more hay in it like every week.. Hay is good but try different things like straw.

Why is your rabbit dragging its bedding about?

This could be your bunny making a nest! When a rabbit is making a nest you will often see her running about with a mouthful of bedding, or dragging bedding from one section of the cage/room to another. If she is not pregnant, she may be having a phantom pregnancy... Now is the time to have her spayed! Sometimes rabbits will just choose to rearrange their homes, even male rabbits will occasionally do this.

Is there anything that can neutralise the smell of rabbits urine?

using the rabbit pellets in the rabbit's litter box NOT pine bedding and by cleaning out the litter box frequently (about 2-3 days but it may differ for different rabbits)

What would cause bald patches on a rabbit?

Mites is a frequent cause of hair loss in rabbits. Over-grooming. Hair loss on the rabbits backside and back legs can be caused by urine scald, wet bedding, poor hygienic conditions.