

What is better theism or atheism?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Theism is a belief in some sort of god, whether it's the current one in fashion or of some other god. Atheism is not believing in any type of god period. As far as to which is better, that is for one to decide personally. Will you feel emotionally comforted in believing in a god or are you strong enough to believe in yourself.

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You are asking for a value judgment. That decision must be made by the individual. In matters of belief we should not judge the beliefs of others, the non-belief of others nor do we have the right to impose our personal beliefs on others. That there was a supreme creator of all that we know, who controls human destiny, is a speculation at best. Some choose to believe and some do not. Atheism is better for some people and theism is better for some people. It is a matter of choice.

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You'll need to make up your own mind whether you think theism or atheism is better. I suggest you look out whether there is any evidence for a god or gods; or you investigate which one actually has the better arguments. My own, personal, opinion is that there is no good reason to believe in a god or gods.

What is the simalarities between theism and atheism?

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