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The biomedical model of health is used to bring down the number of morbidity and premature mortality. This model is where we look at the parts of the body that might work together to make sure we have good health. We look at what is wrong and fix that part of the individual. If a person isn't well they visit the doctor to be examined. If they are ill the doctor will make a diagnosis and the individual is them offered a treatment to make them better. We view the body as a machine and when a part in it goes wrong it must be fixed in order for it to work again.

This approach to health is used mostly in the western world. Its popular because it uses scientific methods, the treatment and care of people is cheaper, expert knowledge is used to achieve the results and public health has been improved.

It has one focus; the actual person (biological process), rather then the social and emotional process of the individual. The aim of it is to identify people who are at risk from a disease. It focuses on the treatment rather then the prevention.

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Q: What is biomedical model of health care?
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The biomedical model fits in well with the functionalist perspective as it sees ill health as being dysfunctional to society. For functionalists if people adopt the sick role and are exempt from their usual roles and responsibilities.

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Features of biomedical model?

Some features of the biomedical model of health are specialist medical services are valued highly, scientific methodology is highly valued in research, and health services are geared towards the treating of the sick. Also there is the absence of disease and that health is based on the understanding of how diseases arise.

What are the critics of the biomedical model of psychology?

Overall, there are several criticisms of the biomedical model that you may have considered: * Reductionism: The model attempts to reduce the explanations of health and illness to the smallest possible factors. But humans and ill-health are not this simple. There may be lots of different causes from social to psychological to genetic. * Single-factor causes: The biomedical model looks for the cause, rather than a range of contributory factors. * Mind-body distinction: The mind and body are considered separately- they do not affect one another. But, as we will see, this is not the case. * Illness not health: The focus of the model is on illness, rather than health.

Why is the biomedical model in decline?

It isn't.

What is the western health model biomedical model?

The Biomedical Model. The biomedical model of medicine was developed in the 19th century as a response to the medical knowledge of that time. The knowledge being that man was a part of nature and therefore could be studied in the same way as nature, at a cellular level. The biomedical model was highly successful in identifying main causes of illness and death at that time, these were accidents and infections. The biomedical model suggests that man only got il from things which invaded the body or from accidental damage. Also the biomedical model suggests that man is either healthy or ill - there is no 'in between.' However, as the century progressed individuals no longer died from infections, society changed with industrialisation, living conditions improved, nutrition improved and new illnesses such as Coronary Heart Disease and cancer became the leading causes of mortality and morbidity. The biomedical model no longer was as effective due to the fact that other factors, social and psychological, played a part in illness. The biomedical model still stands today in identifying illnesses and diseases but not what causes them and what causes death.

Which one is better biomedical model of health or social model of health?

my veiw is that its the socio-medical model of health but other poele may not agree........... all medical students are know being taught in view of practicing doctors in a social model. this involves working in partnership with a patient rather than in a paternalistic way, this is beneficial to the patient as it improves communication, discussions on treatment options to reach a mutual consensus, this improves compliances and leaves the patient more involves and happier with their care.

The strength and weakness of bio medical model of health care?

The strength of the Biomedical model is its proven success as a roadmap for diagnosis and treatment of a multitude of diseases over the past two centuries. Its weakness lies in its failure to fully include psychosocial factors which have proven to be powerful co-factors of disease in modern society.