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Do you mean 'what are call books called?'. It is 'are' because 'the books' are plural! Is the answer you are looking for phone books or directories. These contain contact (phone) numbers of residents in a specific place.

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It is the number you see on the spine of books in the library. The first two lines of numbers represent the subject area of the book, the letter-number segment often codes the author's name, and the last part of the number is the year of publication.

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Does nonfiction books have a call number?

Non-fiction books have a call number, just like fiction books do.

Do all books have an LC call number?

No, not all books have an LC call number. Books that are not part of the Library of Congress collection, such as self-published books or books from small publishers, may not have an LC call number. Additionally, digital books or e-books typically do not have LC call numbers.

What is a call number?

a call number is the number on books in librarys for example: 92 B witch that would be a biography.

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They are also called a bibliophile- a lover of books.

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you need a call number so the books will be easier to find...

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A big group of books is called a library.I call a group of books a group of books.

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What is the meaning of letter R above a call number of a book?

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What do you call the number by which a number is divided?

The number by which a number is divided is called the divisor. The number which is divided is called the dividend and the number resulting from the division is called the quotient.

How are nonfiction books organized?

Non-fiction books are organized according by call number, which is determined by the subject matter of a book. For example, using the Dewey Decimal System, a science book will be given a call number that's in the 500s, while a book on religion will be given a call number that's in the 200s. 0