

What is compiled?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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11y ago

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Compiled code is plain-text source code that is translated from an English-like, high-level language into either machine code or byte code by a program known as a compiler. Machine code is the native language of the machine, consisting of binary patterns that represent a sequence of machine instructions and their operands. Byte code is the native language of a virtual machine; a machine that only exists within a computer's memory. The virtual machine is simply a program that interprets the byte code in order to produce the actual machine code. Unlike machine code which must be compiled separately for each platform, byte code will run on any platform that has a corresponding virtual machine implementation.

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Godfrey Franecki

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1y ago
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14y ago

A compiler is an intermediate program between human friendly language and machine language, that translate High level language to Machine language (codes). This helps Programmers to write different programs in high level lang which can perform any task.

Example of High level languages are:

  • Java,
  • Pascal,
  • C,
  • C++, etc etc.

machine codes are only:

  • zero's and one's (0's & 1's).
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16y ago

A computer can understand instructions written in a specific machine dependent format, which unfortunately are very cryptic to be written directly. So we use more human readable languages to instruct it. But before the computer can actually use it, it need to be converted to that cryptic codes that the machine understands. This process is called compilation and is done by compilers.

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