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Darens is a gay name<-----

(who ever put this is hella stupid)

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Q: What is contained in the interior of the planet Mercury?
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What is mercury mostly made of?

Mercury is a rocky planet with a huge iron core which makes up a large part of its interior.

What does the interior of the planet mercury look like?

Based on observing Mercury and comparing Mercury with Earth, it is inferred that Mercury has a large core that is rich in iron. Planetary geologists estimate that the core of Mercury is about 42% of the planet's total volume. Data from research performed by these geologists strongly suggests that the planet has a molten core. Mercury's core has a higher iron content than the core of any other major planet in the solar system.

Is mercury a planet or dwarf planet?

Mercury is a planet.

Why is mercury a dwarf- planet?

Mercury is not a dwarf planet. It is a planet.

Where planet Mercury came from?

Mercury is itself a planet - it did not come from a planet!

What planet has an asteroid?

The Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars have many asteroids - they are contained in a belt called the Apollo Asteroids [See related question]

What is planet closet to the sun?

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.

Are there any gases on the planet mercury?

Astronomers have only recently discovered in the last ten years or so that Mercury does have a very thin atmosphere. Probably from gases leaking out from the planets interior.

How does the planet Mercury's spins?

how does the planet mercury's spins?

What planet is the closer planet to the sun?


Which god was the planet of Mercury named after?

the planet Mercury is named after the god... Mercury!

What is mercury's raw planet?

Mercury is the planet: there is no raw (or ripe) planet associated with it!