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An enthesophyte is a bone spur near a tendon.

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Q: What is enthesophyte quadriceps tendon attachment?
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Enthesophyte at quadriceps tendon attachment in superior patella?

Bone spur

What bone contains the apex and base?

The patella has a base which is the attachment for the quadriceps tendon and the apex (more pointed end) which is the attachment for the patellar ligament which attaches the patella to the tibia.

Can a tight tendon snap?

Yes. And it can be very painful when it rips off its attachment site. Two common tendon strains occur at the Achilles tendon at the calcareous insertion, and also the quadriceps insertion on the tibial tuberosity.

What is the collagenous structure anchoring the quadriceps muscle to the patella?

Quadriceps tendon

What insertion tendon of what group contains a patella?

The quadriceps muscle goes over the patella. The patella is encased in the quadriceps tendon. This tendon inserts on the tibia at the tibial tuberosity. Other muscles from the thigh have tendons which go underneath the patella.

The patella is embedded in the tendon of which muscle?

quadriceps femoris

The insertion tendon of what muscle group contains the patella?

quadriceps :)

What are patellas?

The patellar tendon connects the quadriceps to the tibia bone.

What is a body part that starts with Q?

Quadriceps, quadratus lumborum, quadratus femoris are body parts that start with Q.

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Injury to the body of the muscle or attachment of the tendon?

An injury to a muscle or a tendon is called a strain.

What effect on the quadriceps muscle when tendon is stretched too much?

if the quads contract too much, then there is a possible danger that the tendon could be damadged.