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Some of the test that are done in the Navy Seal training include a timed four-mile, timed 1,000-meter swim and two sets of physical readiness tests.

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Q: What is every thing you will be tested in navy seal training?
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How long is navy SEAL training?

Navy Seal training lasts about nine months.

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How many people on a Navy ship during basic training?

Navy basic training is not held on shipboard. Basic training is held at the Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois.

Does the navy have basic training in Chicago?

The only Navy Basic Training facility (Boot Camp) is located at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes, Illinois.

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What is the requirements to pass Navy Seal Training Not to join but to pass to become one?

There is no set requirement to pass Navy SEAL training, or BUD/s. You should blow the minimum requirements to join out of the water because that is just the minimum. Go into BUD/s as a very well conditioned runner, and have your head on straight for your mental toughness will be tested as well.

Why you join the navy?

Education and Training

How old do I have to be to begin basic training for the Navy?

You have to be at least 18 years of age to begin basic training with the Navy, you also have to be at least 18 years of age to enlist into the Navy.

Would Navy be capitalized in the sentence general navy training?

No, "navy" should not be capitalized in the sentence "general navy training." Capitalization is only used for proper nouns, such as specific names of people, places, or organizations.

What training is worse than Navy Seal training?

NONE! They are the best of the best!

Drowning a requirement to be a NAVY SEAL?

? Drowning!? No. If drowning was a requirement every buds candidate would die in training! Navy seals conduct DROWN PROOFING as part of their training aswell as a 50 m underwater swim which has resulted in many people passing out underwater over the years. However passing out underwater in either of these evolutions will not result in drowning! There are always experienced instructors on standby to make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen.

What did Fred durst do in the navy?

He dropped out of basic training and never actually did anything in the Navy.