

What is feces?

Updated: 9/7/2023
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6y ago

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It is semi-solid body waste that is usually brown in color and has an offensive odor.

Longer answer:

Feces or fecal matter is undigested waste that a human or other animal doesn't need which has little or no nutritional value. Feces is a waste product that goes out of your body after the digestion process. It is also known as "poop" in slang, as well as several vulgar words.

When you eat something, the nutrients are transported by the blood to all the cells of the body. That happens in the small intestine. Then the undigested food reaches the ileocecal valve and enters the large intestine or colon. The colon absorbs water, manufactures vitamins, produces mucus, and forms and expels feces.

In humans, most other mammals, and insects, this waste is expelled through the anus. In birds and cloacal mammals, it is expelled through the cloaca. The process of expelling feces is called defecation.

Feces is the correct US spelling, while faeces is the correct spelling in the UK and most of the rest of the English speaking world.

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Yes, feces can be considered a waste product.

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