

What is federal religion?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is federal religion?
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Can a state require that an employee not belong to a certain religion?

No, it is against Federal Law

Is federal law that promotes a religion is unconstitutional?

Rephrase ze question, it is poorly stated

The freedoms of speech religion and the press are listed in which portion of the federal and state constitutions?

bill of rights A+

What are three things that the constitution gave power to the federal government?

freedom of religion freedom of expression and freedom of speech

Can a candidate for any federal office be banned from running because he doesn't believe in God?

Not in the U.S., there is freedom from religion in the U.S.

What article of the constitution states that a person's religion is of no importance in holding federal office?

Article VI, Section III. It prohibits any religious test being applied for entrance to holding a federal office. The view of US government religious neutrality is further buttressed by the First Amendment, which forbids the establishment of religion.

Is it true that in Australia everyone is free to practice the religion of their choice or no religion?

In Australia (as it stands at the moment) people are free to practise any spirituality, religion, philosophy, etc they choose to, as long as it does not restrict or violate the state or federal law. The terms spirituality, religion and philosophy covers Religion, Non-Religion, New Age Religions and other spirituality and philosophies such as Scientology. It is impossible to have a fair and reasonable society if there is no freedom of religion or for that matter if religion plays a part in the government of a nation. To this end the constitution of Australia guarantees freedom of religion or no religion.

When the Bill of Rights was ratified what was the position of the states regarding religious establishments?

The federal restrictions on religion overruled state religious preferences.

When Bill of Rights was ratified what was the position of the states regarding religious establishments?

The federal restrictions on religion overruled state religious preferences.

Why cant a credit application ask you for your age race sex nationality or religion?

It is prohibited by law according to the Federal Trade Commission.

What are some changes the US has made to policies concerning treatment of Muslims and Arabs?

Federal policies about religion anaad enthicity have not changes since 1972. Employers and landlords must give no weight to religion or ethnicity in decisions.

Is USPS closed on Good Friday?

Yes they do. Good Friday is based off of religion not federal, therefore they operate on good Friday.