

What is glucose receptors?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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The purpose of the glucose receptors is to detect blood glucose levels. The Islets of Langerhorn dispatch alpha cells to detect low blood glucose and beta cells to detect high blood glucose levels.

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Where are the receptors that sense changes in blood glucose?

the pancreas

How insulin signals a cell to take in glucose from the blood?

The insulin binds to insulin receptors on the surface of muscle or liver cells. This opens up little holes in the cell membrane called glucose transporters. Glucose flows through the glucose transporter due to the concentration gradient of glucose being higher in the extracellular environment. This is called diffusion. The membrane only stays permeable (open) to glucose so long as there is insulin bound to the receptors on the cell surface. Eventually the insulin is released and the glucose transporter closes. The cell then starts to digest the glucose via complicated processes called glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation.

How does glucose enter cells from the blood stream?

Glucose is basically sugar so i would say by mouth.

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the receptors on the protein carrier recognise glucose allowing it to enter the cell :)

Why fructose is more sweeter than glucose?

fructose binds to the sweet receptors in the tongue and ellicit neural impulses

Can Active transport help starch molecules through a membrane?

Starch is a polysaccharide composed of branching chains of glucose molecules. There is no receptor for starch. There are however, receptors for glucose called GLUT1, GLUT2 and GLUT3

What part of the cell is like a gate?

In this analogy, the cell membrane is like a wall, keeping what's in the cell inside, and what is outside of the cell out. However, there are "gates" called receptors. Receptors are large protein molecules embedded in the membrane, with one end outside and one end inside. Different gates, or receptors, permit certain things to enter. For example a glucose receptor lets glucose enter the cell. When a glucose molecule passes a glucose receptor, the glucose molecule is attracted to the receptor by an electric charge. It then binds to the receptor, but now the balance of the charges in the protein molecule has been changed, so the protein molecule changes shape. When it changes shape, it pulls the glucose into the cell and then lets go of the glucose. Now the protein is free to return to its original shape, and the glucose is inside the cell.

How are sensory receptors classified?

somatic receptors and special receptors

What receptors do not undergo adaptation?

Tonic receptors have little to no adaptation while phasic receptors adapt fast!

What function of the gustatory receptors are parallel to what other receptors?

Olfactory receptors

Cells called what detect changes in the environment known as stimuli?

they are called receptors.

Why some foods may taste sweet but have very little glucose?

Because the receptors of the tongue react to certain compounds like as if they were sweet even though they don't have glucose. Examples of foods that taste sweet yet do not have glucose include sugar alcohols.