

What is group of cat called?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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A group of cats are called a clowder.

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A male cat is usually called a Tom. This term is usually used only for unneutered males.

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A group of cats is called a Clowder or a Clutter. But if a mother cat just had kittens, then she just had a "litter".

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Most cats live solitary lives with the exception of lions. In this case it would be called a pack. A group of lions is called a pride.

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One can see the video of Jai Ho performed by the group called the Kitty Cat Dolls in a website called YouTube. This website is a video-sharing website and one can find it there.

What is a female wild cat called?

An female cat is refered to as a Queen; a group is refered to as a clowder; a male cat is referd to as a Tom a female cat is a molly only upon pregnancy or lactation is she called a queen

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Cat Group

What is a cat with a fever called?

A cat that is sick is called a sick cat

What'a male cat called?

A male cat is called a tom and a female cat is called a molly.