

What is it when alleles are neither dominant or recessive?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It is called CODOMINANCE if the alleles each express when the phenotype is heterozygous.

Let's look at the following situation. There are snapdragon flowers that are homozygous (having 2 of the same allele) for red. Let's call them R. There are also snapdragon flowers that are homozygous for white. Let's call them r. If you take one of the RR flowers and breed it with a rr flower, you will get Rr.

If one of the alleles is dominant, then the flower will be the color of the dominant allele. If R (red) is the dominant allele, then all of the offspring will be red; if r (white) is the dominant allele, then they will be white. However, if they are codominant, then if the genotype is heterozygous (Rr), then the alleles will both express- in this case, the offspring would be pink.

Hope I helped!

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Q: What is it when alleles are neither dominant or recessive?
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