

What is a Halal food?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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Kosher foods are those that are prepared following the laws of kashrut (Jewish religious dietary law). (Foods that are not kosher are traife.)

The only kosher flesh foods are from animals that chew the cud and have cloven hoofs, such as cattle, sheep, goats, and deer; the hindquarters are rarely used for kosher food because of the difficulty in preparing the cuts without destroying them. The only fish permitted are those with fins and scales; Birds of Prey and scavengers are not kosher.

Moreover, the animals must be slaughtered according to ritual, without stunning, before the meat can be considered kosher.
The correct word is 'kosher'.

Religiously observant Jews will not eat any food that is not kosher. The core rules of kashrut (dietary laws) are:

* Land animals must have split hooves and chew their cud.

* Fish have to have scales and fins.

* Birds cannot be amongst those listed as forbidden in the Torah and cannot be hunters/scavengers

* Animals must be killed in a specific manner and must be free of all disease

* As much blood as possible must be removed from meat as consumption of blood is forbidden

* Dairy and meat cannot be combined in the same meal and there's a waiting period between eating one then the other.

* Orthodox Jews and some Conservative Jews will not eat certain fruits and vegetables because it's too difficult to guarantee that all bugs have been washed away (cauliflower, asparagus, and the like).

Additionally, food must be prepared and handled following kashrut. Any food that does not meet these requirements cannot be eaten by those who are religiously observant.
Any foods that come from kosher companies.

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13y ago

I'm not the expert on this issue, but I can assure that "Not all kosher foods are halal". Halal meats must come from halal animals which are not always equal to kosher animals. Also, the animal must be slaughtered in a specific way in the name of Allah to be halal.

However, as the rules of kashrut are more strict than those of halal, kosher food is deemed acceptable by Muslims and this includes kosher slaughtered meat.

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12y ago
Improved answer:Well according to Islam, everything in this life is Halal so long it is not prohibited by a verse from the Holy Quran or by a Hadith from prophet Mohammed's Sunnah. This applies to all types of food and drinks too. Sea food is all Halal (if it does not kill you of course" even dead fish, Wales...etc. if still fresh they are Halal.

Allah said in the Quran:

يسألونك ماذا أحل لهم ۖ قل أحل لكم الطيبات ۙ وما علمتم من الجوارح مكلبين تعلمونهن مما علمكم اللـه ۖ فكلوا مما أمسكن عليكم واذكروا اسم اللـه عليه ۖ واتقوا اللـه ۚ إن اللـه سريع الحساب ﴿٤﴾ سورة المائدة

They ask you, [O Muhammad], what has been made lawful for them. Say, "Lawful for you are [all] good foods and [game caught by] what you have trained of hunting animals which you train as Allah has taught you. So eat of what they catch for you, and mention the name of Allah upon it, and fear Allah." Indeed, Allah is swift in account. (4) Surat Al-Maida"

and prophet Mohammed peace upon him said:

قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم { ما أحل الله فهو حلال وما حرم فهو حرام وما سكت عنه فهو عفو ، فاقبلوا من الله عافيته فإن الله لم يكن لينسى شيئا }أخرجه البزار والطبراني من حديث أبي الدرداء بسند حسن

In prophet's hadith, the prophet said: What Allah has permitted is "Halal"", what Allah has prohibited is "Haram" and what Allah has skipped is pardoned "Pardoned". So accept what Allah has pardoned you from since Allah is not a forgetful. Narrated by Tabarani.

Exceptional for India:If the food is made by Pudists and Sikh, "is allowed" so long they did not slaughter the animal themselves and so long you trust them. But if they slaughter the animal, their food is no more Halal because they are not people of the book like Christians and Jews.

Improved above.

Read more: Is_It_any_Halal_foods_in_India

Halal food means that it's food Muslims are allowed to eat. Nonhalal food can be pork or meat not slaughtered in the Islamic way.

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13y ago

It is very complicated to explain. Every food has its own rules. Milk cant be mixed with meat, and fish cant be eaten with meat. Most people wait 30 mins after eating dairy before eating meat, and 3 hours after meat before dairy. Even if food is kosher it must be prepared with uncontaminated supplies to remain kosher. Birds can't be wild birds and fish need to have fins and scales. Animals need to have split hooves and they need to chew their food twice like cows. After following these rules one must properly kill an animal with a flawless knife, with a sudden move, so the animal don't feel any pain. Then the lungs must be checked for diseases and many other body parts as well. Vegetables often need to be soaked in vinegar to kill and remove insects.

There are many other conditions that need to met as well but these are the basics.

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11y ago

Halal is Islamic; Kosher is Jewish.

The only real similarity between the disciplines is that pork and blood are prohibited in both.

Things that Halal forbids that Kosher permits:

  • Alcohol in any form
  • Meat slaughtered without being consecrated to Allah

Things that Kosher forbids that Halaal permits:

  • Mixing of Meat and Dairy
  • Shellfish, Mollusks, and several varieties of Fish (like Shark, Catfish, and Eel) *There are some Muslims who observe this prohibition, but the majority do not.
  • Non-Ruminant/Non-Split Hoof Land Animals (like tapir, dog, etc.) *It is important to note that there are some Muslims who observe this prohibition when it comes to less common meats.
  • Consumption of certain flying creatures (such as Eagles, most Insects, Bats, etc.)
  • Meat slaughtered outside of the requirements for proper slaughter
  • Wine that is not pre-boiled and reconstituted (there are certain ways to avoid this while still creating kosher wine, but there are other requirements then)

For further information, see the two attached Related Links.

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12y ago

Kosher is more strict than Halal. It can be said that everything that is Kosher is automatically Halal. Not the other way around, though.

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13y ago

Yes, as the rules for kashrut are more strict than those for halal, kosher food is considered fit by Muslims.

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13y ago

Kosher is similar to halal, so Muslims are permitted to eat kosher food.

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