

What is mass failure?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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Q: What is mass failure?
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How are landslides different from mudfows?

A landslide consists of a mass of soil or rock moving as a single solid mass, with a definite plain of failure and relatively little deformation within the moving mass itself. A mudflow behaves as a fluid. There is no definite plane of failure and there is significant deforemation within the moving mass.

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What is another word for snow slide?

Landslide, slope failure, mass movement and mass wasting are all terms that could be used to describe a mudslide.

What forces propels slope failure and aids mass wasting?

1. Gravity. 2. Volcanism. 3. Tectonics. 4. Hydraulics.

Does adding mass to the head of the slump lower the risk of mass movement?

If you mean a soil slump then no, adding mass to the head (top) of the slump will likely increase the likelihood of failure. If you are to add mass it should be added at the toe. However if you want to stop a slump moving the best thing you can do is to drain the area.

How are background extinction and mass extinction similar?

Both involve at least a few species dying out because of failure to adapt to the changing environment.

Why does a car rock back and forth while driving?

possible ignition wires/coil, mass airflow, or torque converter clutch failure.

What is the the point where rocks break and release energy in the form of seismic waves?

This is the point where the stress exceeds the strength of the rock leading to a brittle failure (or rupture) where cracks or fractures propagate through the rock mass. Where a pre-existing plane of weakness such as a fault is present this will control the failure behaviour with the shear strength of the fault plane rather than of the rock mass dominating the failure behaviour.